
Flying Change Stables is committed to offering personalized care for your horse; as such, we operate as a "boutique" sized stable, with a limited number of stalls so each horse gets our full attention. 

The barn is cozy, with box stalls that are comfortably matted and bedded for our dozen residents, and copious natural light. Our wash rack has both cold and hot running water, the central barn ceiling is high for good air movement, and we have lights on timers to give your horse as much light as possible throughout the short days of our western Washington winter.

Horses are turned out daily, weather permitting, and are paddocked individually or with a friend. A staff or barn member is generally on hand to monitor horses during turnout.

Our lighted 70’ x 130’ indoor arena is available at all times to boarders, and members are welcome to schedule ride times at their convenience. An outdoor hot walker is available as well, for cool-out or warm-up.



Allison Aurand, Owner Sharmaine McIntyre, Co-Manager